Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Week Seven

As computers become more and more a part of not only our everyday lives, but also our growth from child to adult, we as a society have accepted the computer as a tool in growing up. No longer is the computer just for the older kids, but are becoming more accessible. In a sense its keeping the growing children involved and comfortable with technology. To that extent the PC will probably become increasingly important to use as a tool to teach children. Again, this will play the twofold advantage of multimedia teaching and comfort with technology. Especially if we are talking about the future because it is obvious that PC’s and the like are here to stay and will continue to play a large role in our daily lives. Being exposed to it from a young age for educational purposes not only attracts the child to learn, but also introduces him to the technology that he will be relying heavily on later in life.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Week Six

The uses of such Groupware Technologies have made the collaboration efforts of students easier thus creating a more open avenue of discussion and the exchange of information. The basic uses of things like email systems, online chat programs, and online whiteboards have led to the creation of better ideas and a more improved meeting space. By being electronic, the exchange of information is logged and recorded, making it easier to create minutes of meetings and for future references. Especially when group projects are involved, each person is assigned a task. Sometimes, the members live far from each other; each member can still go through each others tasks and have a discussion online. Each member would be able to give their views without having to fight for time to talk.

My main experience with Groupware Technology would be during my first semester when we had a group project. There was a member that was very quiet during the physical meetings we had. We were actually worried about what would be the quality of his work. However, when we had a meeting online, he just unloaded a wealth of information. We were shocked. There a lot of smart people out there that are losing out just because they’re shy and not sociable. This type of technology could release them into the world.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Week Five

To ask the question whether I would like to learn online or not, it would be a yes and no answer. As much as the technology proves it is possible, and as much as the implications prove online learning is easier, better, faster, online learning would take away a lot of the social activities of actually going to classes and physically being present. There has been anecdotal evidence that the lack of social interaction in a ‘work from home’ situation provides little job satisfaction. To an extent, a parallel can be drawn from both scenarios. So personally, a fully online learning course doesn’t really appeal to me. However, I do hold the internet and the technologies very highly and I do believe that the online resources to support the day to day classes as ideal. The availability to share work, be it between students of a subject, between a student and his lecturer, or even cross subject interactions, can only further open the avenues of discussion and mental growth.