Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Week Four

I would choose the User Centred Design(UCD) but make some changes to it. Task analysis is needed because we need to understand the scope of the coursework. We need to make sure what exactly is expected and not go astray. Requirements specification, in my opinion, is the most important step. If this step is not done properly, it affects the rest of the steps and the entire project. Here we must determine the final outcome. Usability requirements, functional requirements, etc have to be clearly stated and defined. All the following steps will be based on information from here. Next is the storyboard. Here we put to paper what the planned final product will be like. Instead of moving onto to prototype immediately, I would bring up the evaluation step once here. I would instead ask some of the children in my age group what they thought if such a program was created. Once I have taken their input and made the necessary changes, then I would move onto the prototype. After the prototype is done, I would again bring up the evaluation stage. I feel that constant feedback on all the steps from the targeted age group is really important in creating a successful program.


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